The Archives of J.R. Walker

The Monster Archives of J.R. Walker

Utilizing a unique way of cataloging his obscure finds, J.R. Walker drew pictures on small cards for each of the creatures he discovered. Meticulously documenting each one in detail, but none are sure of the meaning of the dates on the cards. Some dates are known sightings or incidents associated with these mysterious beasts, but others remain unexplained. Over time, Walker’s catalog of monster cards was lost and scattered like the trails he wandered, many believing they would never be found again. But rarely, when the moon is right, and the night is dark, when there is enchantment in the forest air, people have claim to have found these cards – usually under odd and unexplained circumstances. Sometimes tucked in the crotch of a tree on a trail long forgotten or other times among the rocks of a fresh mountain stream. Some have even mysteriously believe they have been cursed by these lost cards. While others seek them out for their belief they garnish some magical power. Others have been found in old basements or attics, without any explanation of how they got there. Reportedly to have even been discovered in places that no man has ever been known to travel before. No matter what stories and folklore are told, one thing is certain, if you come across one of these EXTREMELY RARE cards then be sure to treat it with care and respect. There are many cultists, collectors, and thieves out there that seek to claim them as their own. If you do find one then be sure to contact the us to report your finding to the J.R. Walker Estate by emailing with a picture of the found card to claim your special FREE artifact!


Undiscovered Creature

Extremely Rare, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Very Rare, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Very Rare, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Very Rare, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Very Rare, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Very Rare, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Rare, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Rare, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Rare, Explore Further To Unlock


The Beast Of Moose Creek

Rare | One of J.R. Walker’s earliest discoveries. Late in the night, when the moon shone full above, Walker encountered this nightmare beast. Escaping only by wounding the attacking monster with his silver dagger.


Undiscovered Creature

Rare, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Rare, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Rare, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Rare, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Rare, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Rare, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Rare, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Rare, Explore Further To Unlock


The Cold River Bear

Rare | Not just any bear, this savage incarnation strikes terror if it enters your campsite. It seems perhaps an animated corpse of an ancient black bear, brought to life by some unknown evil.


Undiscovered Creature

Rare, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Rare, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Rare, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Rare, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Uncommon, Explore Further To Unlock


The Whitehall Wild Man

Uncommon | Cultures the world around all have their version of the renowned Sasquatch. This dreadful version is famous for inhabiting the forests and surrounding areas of Whitehall, NY!


Undiscovered Creature

Uncommon, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Uncommon, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Uncommon, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Uncommon, Explore Further To Unlock


Undiscovered Creature

Uncommon, Explore Further To Unlock


Chazy Highland Swift Runner

Uncommon | An emaciated decrepit beast discovered among howling cold mountain winds. Said to feast on the icey flesh of those lost in the winter storms of the North.


Undiscovered Creature

Uncommon, Explore Further To Unlock


The Switchback Witch

Uncommon | Known for confusing explorers on switchback trails, luring them to their doom.